Archive | March, 2009

A little perspective

14 Mar

“A little… perspective. That’s it. I’d like some fresh, clear, well-seasoned perspective. Can you suggest a good wine to go with that?” – Anton Ego, food critic (from the movie, Ratatouille)

We have finally begun the process of cleaning up our place, organizing it, and packing away the clutter to get it ready to put on the market. M had predicted in the beginning that he could see us getting into a lot of disagreements over this and well, he was right on. Although we have only just begun it’s been causing us some stress and been the topic of several arguments between him and me already.

But it seems like every time we start to get into a fight or get stressed or annoyed about this moving stuff God has managed to put a little perspective into my life with news of a family friend’s death or a friend’s illness or a co-worker’s daughter’s injured condition. It’s like God’s been teaching me that the stuff I have been stressing about is so small in comparison to everything else that is going around us. I am reminded again to step back and be thankful that He has already blessed me and my family with so much… a steady job, a place to live, a family. And if we aren’t able to sell our place it’s not the end of the world – our place isn’t shabby and life goes on without hardly a bump in the road.

With so many people that we know and care about in tough situations I’ve been reminded of the urgent need to pray for others and to not stress or worry so much about the little things in life.

Growing Up

3 Mar

Although my son is not quite three years old, in the past few weeks it has been hitting me just how fast he is growing up these days. Since I stay at home with him and his sister he’s pretty much been by my side 24/7 since the day he was born.

Recently I started visiting preschools with him in hopes of him starting preschool in about a year so. Most of the preschools here have long waiting lists and require you to apply for your kid when they are babies to even have a chance for them to attend preschool when they are older.

The other week I took him to visit a bilingual preschool that teaches in both Spanish and Chinese. At first he was really shy and kept saying he wanted to go home. But then once we got to the outdoor play time and met the Chinese teacher he was happy as a clam and had a ton of fun for the rest of the time. It turns out that this preschool is fairly new and has an opening for him right now. So afterwards I asked him if he would want to go back and he gave a big exuberant, yes! And even more surprising was when I asked him if he would go by himself he answered very confidently that he would and that he would even drive himself to school.

As I have been contemplating whether to sign him up for this preschool now because I don’t want to lose this spot for him I realize just how much he is growing up. At first I’m hesitant because I think the twice a week half day class will be too long for him. Then when I talk to the director I find out that I can do twice a week for just two hours. And then I worry about his food allergies but then I talk to the director again and am reassured as she tells me that they will cater their snacks and lunches around his food allergies so J can eat everything and can eat with everyone together. Then I start telling myself that he’s so young and he doesn’t need to start school so young. I wasn’t planning on starting him in preschool until closer to 3.5/4 years old because I figure he’ll be in school for the next 18 years, why rush it?

As I talk to M about the preschool later that night I realize that I am the one that is having a hard time letting J go and grow up. J absolutely loved the preschool and tells me he wants to go back and it’s me that is coming up with all the excuses and reasons on why he can’t go to preschool. As I see him starting to play and interact with other kids his age and watch his imagination expand as he entertains himself with his dinosaur figurines at home it amazes me that he is growing up and becoming his own person and does not always have to be by my side anymore.

So I have decided that I will enroll him in preschool… it’s a win-win situation if he loves it and I can get some extra free time in during the week. I just need to make the phone call and figure out a date to start bringing him. Right now it’s hard for me to imagine 4 hours a week of him being in school and not with me but I hear from other moms that soon enough I will love that extra time and will be wondering what took me so long to sign him up.