Archive | September, 2009

Feeling the strain

20 Sep

Has it already been a month since I last posted? Well, I guess it has been a while since we are now on the tail end of escrow closing on our place here.
We are in the process of packing and moving out by the end of this week and closing escrow on our condo the week after. I’ve been trying to take everything in stride. I think for the most part I’ve been pretty good about handling everything going on on the outside and just taking things as they come along, but on the inside I can feel each thing just piling up inside me. And I knew it would happen sooner or later but I’ve really been feeling the strain of this whole selling/moving/buying process now.
I’m 6 months pregnant, trying to pack up our condo, trying to keep up with two active toddlers, and looking for a new place to settle into (hopefully soon). I’ve also been having a lot of trouble falling asleep and staying asleep these nights which doesn’t help. I know I’m complaining and whining on this blog probably almost as much as my kids do but I just need a space to write before I end up melting down over the stress I’m feeling.
It was my birthday this past weekend and I had a wonderful day celebrating it with my family and husband. But by the end of this weekend I’ve felt so worn out and so exhausted that I just need a good cry before the start of the new week.
What I wouldn’t give to have a glass of wine or a margarita now… that would totally hit the spot. I guess I will settle for a caffeine free root beer instead.