Archive | August, 2013

Outside my comfort zone

16 Aug

My son is 7 and has decided that he would like to join a football team.  We were a little late to sign up and the season had already started but we didn’t think it would be that big of a deal.  He was excited, we were excited, and he couldn’t wait to play.

What I didn’t realize was just how difficult this would be on not only him but me as well.  Football is a grueling sport.  And even in the peewee league it is not easy.  Not only did he start the new school year this week but he also started football practice.  Football practice was held every day this week, Mon-Fri from 6-8pm.  And on top of that there was an extra practice tacked on for Saturday morning for another 2 hrs.  

He is the youngest, smallest, and slowest guy on his team.  Oh, and he is the only Asian kid on his team (which also probably explains why he is the smallest and slowest) .  There is a camaraderie of all the football families sitting on their folding chairs watching their boys practice together and I am definitely on the outside of it all.  I feel like I don’t even dress right when I’m dropping off my son to practice.  Everyone is in their athletic gear, yoga pants, team sweatshirt and I in my t-shirt and jeans and flip flops feel strangely out of place.  And I’m still figuring out the ins and outs of practice and it feels like either me or the girls are getting scolded for doing something wrong each practice.  I am completely out of my comfort zone and feel out of place there.  And did I mention that we are the only Asian family out there?

Since we registered late my son has been playing catch-up this whole week and it has been hard on him too.  This is his frist organized sport and I feel like it is a tough one to enter into.  The coaches are tough, the practices are tough, and with M still traveling during the week it is tough to get him to practice every single day and get them ready for school the next day.

I’m sure there is a lesson to be learned in this time of getting into a new sport for my son.  We are taking it day by day. I am learning how to be there for him when the times are tough in practice and his dad is not around and he is learning to stick with something and not quit,  I am learning to let go of wanting to be part of that “inner ring” of football families and just give it some time to get to know the players and their families and enjoy the ride.