Archive | May, 2014

Principal Rant

14 May

I just got off the phone with the principal of my children’s school and it was an unpleasant call.  It was over something very little and we both just seemed very annoyed at each other.  I feel like she started off pretty impatient and curt and so then I escalated my annoyance as well but who knows, maybe she felt like it was the other way around.  She doesn’t know me and I really don’t know her either.  I feed off other people’s emotions easily and therefore also get fired up pretty quickly and have a hard time keeping my cool and being even-keeled.  I feel like there are times to make a fuss and be heard and other times to be gracious and calm a brewing storm.  But pretty much I am not very good at doing either and am never good at being gracious when the other side is clearly in no mood to be pleasant either.

There are times when issues arise that I need to make a stink, be forceful with my words, and be thick-skinned and not worry about what others think or perceive.  But in this case I think I need to figure out a way to calm myself down in the heat of the moment.  I think all I wanted was a sincere apology and feel like the principal of my children’s school is accessible if I ever need to contact her.  But I really didn’t get either of that.  And the situation hasn’t changed, only my ego is bruised from my conversation with her and over something so petty at that.  So I rant and rant to my poor husband and then it’s time to move on.  The moving on is the hard part…  the would’ve, should’ve, could’ve are endless.  But today I think it’s gonna be okay… because I was able to blog about it.