Archive | May, 2012

Happy Mother’s Day

13 May

It is Sunday afternoon and I am hiding out in my son’s room (this is a good thing) while my husband takes care of the kids, prepares lunch, and cleans up our home. It has been a great weekend. We took the kids to Disneyland yesterday for C’s birthday and didn’t make it back home til almost midnight. It was a full day but happy to see the kids faces light up as they go on their favorite rides, meet princesses and duel with Darth Vader. And the fireworks show to cap off the night can’t be beat.

After a long day of being on our feet and waiting in lines yesterday, this morning M has ordered me to relax and I got breakfast in bed as the kids piled in to watch tv in our room. I got cards and a picture made by my two older kids and am catching up on my magazine reading this morning. This has been nothing short of awesome as I take advantage of all this pampering.

And I realize as much complaining as I do about my kids (and sometimes my husband too ;)) on this blog and how tiring it can be staying at home with them I am so very thankful to be a mom and to have a husband that is so great with the kids and so patient with me.

I am able to reflect this morning of the joy my family brings me and am so very thankful that God has blessed me with three crazy little monsters and a partner that is just right for me.

Happy Mother’s Day to me! (and yes, all the other moms out there too)