Archive | August, 2012


26 Aug

As the kids are getting older I’m feeling more and more like I would like to find something to do for myself. Even though only one of them is in school every day and it will probably be another year before the youngest is in preschool I want to do more than just have my life revolve around staying at home with the kids and being the supportive wife. I used to think that I would be happy just being a stay at home mom forever and spending my free time being the PTA mom and volunteering at my kids schools. To be painfully honest I’m feeling burnt out being a stay at home mom. During the days I will still be with the kids and doing things with them but I feel like at night I should be more productive and meaningful with my time, whether it be pursuing a new hobby or thinking about a new career path and planning for it or something.

I’m not a very disciplined person or super ambitious in terms of career so I keep thinking maybe I will start off with something as simple as learning to play guitar. Finding something to do that could eventually lead to making some money would be even better! I’ve been looking at my spiritual gifts and wondering how I could be exercising those more to benefit others and myself at the same time. I’ve been thinking about wanting to do something for myself for a while… it’s time that I start acting on it now.