Archive | August, 2009

Solomon’s wisdom

25 Aug

A couple weeks ago in small group we were studying the passage in 1 Kings where Solomon asks God for wisdom in ruling his people after he became king. God was pleased that instead of asking for long life or riches or for the life of his enemies he asked for a discerning mind. And because of this God did bless him with wisdom and he also blessed him with the things he did not ask as well – riches and honor and a long life. He ended up blessing Solomon with far more than Solomon would have thought or imagined.

As we were discussing the differences between Solomon asking for wisdom vs. riches and long life we were also challenged to reflect on the things that we ask God for that are more selfish and more similar to honor and wealth rather than widsom. This study really struck a chord with me in the midst of our whole housing situation. With trying to sell our house I realized that my selfish thoughts and wants focus a lot on being comfortable in this life. I want to sell our house so we can buy a bigger house with a yard and a bbq grill and more rooms for the kids and us to grow into.

My prayers about selling our house have always been trying to just trust God in His timing and being patient and even being okay if we didn’t sell our house because He knows what’s best for us. But after this study when I really gathered my thoughts I knew deep down that I really wanted to sell our house before baby #3 is born and that I would be really disappointed if we were still living here a year or two from now. And that all these things were really just selfish wants for this life.

I was really challenged by the study to really think about what are some kingdom focused, eternal things that God would really want me specifically to be asking and praying for instead of a big new house. In my prayers I really struggled with trying to just let go of this obsession of selling our house and moving and tried to focus instead on things that God would be pleased with. Can’t say that I totally mastered being unselfish in my thoughts and prayers but amazingly enough God was still gracious and blessed us and we ended up getting an offer that we felt was reasonable and we are now in escrow. I was surprised and grateful at God’s timing – just right after we studied this passage.

I’m not gonna lie, I still have this paranoia and worry that escrow is going to fall through either because the buyers don’t like something in the inspection reports or that their loans won’t go through or something. But I’ve been trying to change my selfish perspectives and really just trust and take things as they come. Because if we do close escrow, if I thought it was crazy trying to keep the house clean for showings before it’s just gonna get a lot crazier from here on out! We gotta pack and move, find a temporary place to rent, look for a new place to buy, and move again into a new place… and have a baby in December.


19 Aug

So it’s been a while since I’ve been on my blog. But today I feel like writing again although I have nothing in particular on my mind. So I think I will do a quick recap of what’s been transpiring in my life and mind since I last updated. Since I’m a bullet point kind of person this post will be done in bullet points (or hyphenated bullet points since i don’t know how to do bullet points on this).

– We are having another girl due in december! I am excited about having another baby but am also sometimes a bit worried about what it will be like taking care of three kids all 3 years old or younger. This pregnancy has been the hardest on my body and the hardest on me emotionally as well. All my aches and pains have come on much sooner and my emotions the first trimester were extremely difficult for me to handle… so much so that my doctor and I had talked about me going to see a therapist/counselor if it became too much for me. While I’m not against going to see a counselor I was thankful that when I hit 15 weeks in my pregnancy and past my first trimester that my mind and my mood cleared up and I got a bit of energy back into me. It’s amazing what those hormones can do to a woman’s body.

– Our house is still on the market and I still get a little crazy every time I have to clean up our place for a showing. We lowered our price a little and have recently been getting a lot more offers which is nice but unfortunately all the offers are extremely low offers and it’s not been something I’ve been willing to settle for yet. Ask me again in a month and maybe I’ll have a different answer then.

– Summer has come and is now almost gone… sniff sniff. It’s been a good summer but things always seem a lot busier over the summer as well. My husband got quarantined in China, we’ve had friends and family come visit, been connecting and meeting up more with friends here, have lots of meetings going on, and a couple trips planned and even though I’m only in my second trimester I find myself feeling extremely tired again. And it’s been hard to catch up on sleep and rest since I can’t seem to sleep very well through the night anymore.

– Even though my kids are only 15 months and 3 years old, sometimes I look at them nowadays and can’t believe how fast they are growing up. I’m not quite at the point where I don’t want them to grow up because I really enjoy seeing them develop and learn new skills and learn to play together (as well as fight more, but that part I don’t enjoy) and learn to be more independent.

– I’m 30 and will be turning 31 in a month and it’s sinking in that I am not that young anymore. I’ve always felt young and looked young but now my age is really catching up to me. I’m losing my hair and getting bald spots already (!), my wrinkles are really starting to show, and if I’m not wearing makeup (which most of the times I am not) I look like a total mess. And since I’ve finished reading the Twilight series and have been following all the actors on my celebrity gossip sites I am shocked and horrified that I am drooling over these actors that are only 17 years old!!! When did this happen that I’m almost twice their age?!

– We bought a minivan and the kids love it and so do I.