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A day of rest

4 Nov

It is Sunday morning and normally I would be at church with my family but this morning my husband took the kids to church and let me stay at home. It has been a long and busy week for all of us. We’ve had multiple guests come and stay with us, Mike has been crunching long hours to hit a deadline early next week, parent teacher conference and Halloween.
I knew it was off to a bad morning when I just had no patience for the kids, got into an argument with M, and we didn’t have anymore coffee at home. I tend to bottle up my exhaustion (which is what I think most moms do) and just carry on until I’ve reached my threshold and am unnecessarily snappy and impatient and just need a good cry to regain control of myself and my life. (Blogging helps too!)
So instead of being at church, I walked to my local Trader Joe’s and picked up some coffee and am back in bed listening to some music on Spotify, reading some devotions, and blogging.
M and I were able to resolve our argument this morning and I am so thankful for a husband who forgives me when I am moody and not nice, is not legalistic about me having to be at church every Sunday and truly understands when I just need a little time to myself to rest and be renewed.