Archive | April, 2014

The Great Escape

1 Apr

After about a 2 year hiatus from watching korean dramas I’ve picked it up again a few weeks ago. And I’m back in full force.  I am completely addicted to it again and since I haven’t had much freelance work to do recently I can’t wait til the kids go to bed so I can do some marathon watching.  I stayed up til 3am last Saturday finishing up a show (if you’re interested it’s My Princess) and promised myself that i would need to take a break from watching a new show for a while again because I just get too damn obsessed with these shows.  Well, me being the legalistic person that I am did not start watching a new show (because that would be breaking the rule I set up for myself) but instead I have been going back and re-watching all my favorite parts of the old show AND I’m going to all these kdrama blogs and re-reading all the recaps from each episode just wanting to relive it all in my head.

Yes, these shows are addictive and yes I love them  because they are funny and wholesomely romantic (sigh) but the best thing about them is that I get to escape from life for a while.  I am happy and engrossed in another reality but when it’s over I can no longer escape the feelings of being stuck and empty.  Every so often I end up in this stage of feeling a little lost in this life and not sure what direction I am heading.  I can’t tell you how long I’ve been feeling stuck and unsure of where my life is going now.  When I stop watching I am snapped back into my real life duties and my feelings of inadequacy are overwhelming in so many areas of my life.  Deep down I know that what I really need to do is just sit and have the Lord search my heart and for me to listen in the stillness.  But honestly, sitting still is hard work and distracting myself with something is much easier even if only temporary.

To cure this obsession I’m going to head to the library with the kids this afternoon and pick up a book (Twilight, anyone?) to get engrossed in instead.