Happy Anniversary

28 Feb

We are celebrating 16 years today. I have been with M for more than half my life now. I started dating him at the ripe old age of 18, married at 23. Now we are middle aged and have three kids and a dog. When we were young I used to think we were so similar and so compatible. 10 years into our marriage I remember commenting to him how we are so different – how did that happen?  Now that we are older I feel like we are even more different. He is spontaneous and adventurous, I like my schedules and routines and prone to anxiety.  He is a visionary, big picture kind of guy, I am more detail oriented and like to check the boxes off my checklist. He is social, I am less so. He is at ease in large crowds, I want to blend in with the wallpaper.  He lives to eat, I eat to live. And the list of opposites could go on.   These differences can cause conflict but more often than not it is complementary.  As M so succinctly puts it – different in personality but similar in temperament.  I can look at our differences now and appreciate them.

We do also share similarities – in the big things that matter to us.  We love the Lord and we love our family (dog included) and shared values that are important to us. I am thankful for him in my life. We have changed a lot in the years we’ve been together and I look back and am thankful at how far we’ve come.  I can also look forward and be excited for our future together.

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