Mr. Hogan

31 Jan

This week has been a little more difficult to shake the heaviness that weighs on me in the mornings. But what has been a surprising gift to me is that Mr. Hogan, the metro guy, is back this week.
When the metro first started running last year he would be there every day for the first few months and say hi to the neighborhood families that walked to and from school every morning and every afternoon. He was friendly and M and I would always stop and say hi as we took the kids to school. His project finished sometime last May and we hadn’t seen him since then. But Monday he showed up again with another project for the metro. We have talked and caught up with each other every morning this week and I realized that my step is lighter when I walk home and my heart a little less weepy with my short interactions with him. There is nothing in particular that we talk about but nonetheless his friendliness at the intersection of my kids school has been a blessing.

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