16 Feb

I’m thinking about joining the PTA. Or at least attending a meeting.

I have so much free time during the week when my kids are in school. In the beginning of the school year after a whole summer with the kids I’m so thankful to have time to myself that I just indulge myself in doing nothing but relaxing and reading and running errands. But as usual, I start to get a little bored as the months go on and I start to get antsy wanting to do something to fill up my time. It’s hard for me to initiate anything and start doing something and putting a thought or idea in motion. But once I get over the initial hump then I am good to go. I spend a lot of my mornings by myself and I am actually very happy as an introvert but when I crawl out of my shell I am also just as happy because I still need people in my life.

I am hesitant about going. When my kids were young and my oldest had started kindergarten I just didn’t have the energy or the babysitters to get involved in school besides volunteering in the classroom here and there. By the time my youngest began kindergarten and my oldest was in 4th grade it just seemed easier to not get involved outside of classroom help. Now, my oldest has already matriculated out of elementary school and my youngest is in 2nd grade. By this time I feel there is an in-crowd with the PTA/super involved parents and if you’re not in it, well you’re definitely on the outside. It is hard to penetrate through and I’m not sure if it is worth the effort. I wondered if all this insecurity is just in my head. I was talking to a friend about how I’ve been feeling and she encouraged me that while there is definitely a culture within the PTA moms, if i put myself out there she is sure there are ways they would love to have me get involved. To be honest I’m not super interested in it either but at this point I’ve got to stop coming up with excuses and just do something. I’ve marked the next meeting on my calendar. Here’s to showing up for it.

One Response to “PTA”


  1. PTA part 2 | I feel the need to blog - March 8, 2018

    […] PTA […]

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